Register now for

Summer Classes, Camps, or Intensives and discover all that dance & DbD have to offer!


How old is your dancer?

Season 11 by day

Find out all the details for your dancer on our age specific pages including classes, availability, costs, and dress code!

Is your preferred class full? Join the waitlist for no cost!

OPEN HOUSES throughout the summer

DbD Kids Club Jr.

A fun and safe option for your 3-4 year olds. Check it out! Join our 2024-25 class NOW!

Tuesday-Thursday option

Monday add on or drop in option

Don’t Worry,

Be Appy!

Download your free app today & stay up to date with all the news, access your dancer’s live stream class on Zoom, access their class folder, & more.


Ms. Carolyn Dance by Design Studios New Braunfels

Ms. Carolyn

Owner & Director 


"We're excited to offer a wholesome environment with quality dance classes and training for every individual in every stage of life. This includes making sure your dancer is dressed appropriately from class to stage, music that any ears can hear, and dancing that any parent would be happy to watch."